
I would like to ask a question about istikhaara, im asking this question for myself and the love to ask a close member of the family to do istikhaara is that true? I would also like to know is that when I did istikhaara I received a good sign but when his sister did it for him for 7 days and received a bad sign as that is what she said, I want to know what this means, how can one see a good sign and the other see bad and is it true many people mistakenly believe that they must perform istikhaara 7 days in a row and then wait for a sign but that too is bidah. When we perform it, a sign should come right away. And if u could please provide proof I really want to know everything about istikhaara.


It is best to read this salaah yourself or to ask a person who is pious and knowledgable in deen,at this time since you are confused,we would advise you to do it one more time and then decide. Istikhaarah is done when a decision is to be made in matters which are neither obligatory nor prohibited . So one does not need to do istikhaarah for deciding whether he should go for hajj or not. Because if he is financially able to do it then hajj is obligatory and he does not have a choice. Similarly one does not need to do istikhaarah for deciding whether he should give up smoking or not because smoking is haraam and must be given up. It is not necessary to see a dream or to wait for a specific amount of time,sometimes one may not see any dream but feel a strong conviction in the heart that I should do this or I shouldnt do this.That feeling is also an answer to ones istikhaarah and should be followed. The aim of istikhaarah is to ask for guidance from Allaah to the better of two matters concerning which one is hesitating, because guidance and help come from Allaah; He knows and we do not know; He is the Knower of the unseen. The one who relies on himself will go astray, and the one who trusts in his own reasoning and does not seek the help of his Lord will be doomed. It is also important to understand that doing istikaarah does not mean not doing any other efforts. Instead one should take every other possible action such as researching and investigating the matter to one’s best ability, as well as seeking advice from knowledgeable and experienced people,parents and elders etc. Du'a for Istikhara:

And Allah knows best.

Ask Alimah Team

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