
Is it obligatory to wear your niqaab in an area where there are all non-muslims? wearing the nikaab makes me feel awkward and self conscious. Is nikaab the only way 2 cover your face?


It is obligatory upon a Muslim woman to wear the Niqaab. This means that if a woman leaves it out, she will be sinful. (Ahkaamul Qurâaan vol.3 pg.476). You should try to maintain niqaab everywhere. In those places where you feel that you do not have the power to do so, you should feel remorseful and repent to Allah immediately. This continuous repentance will inshAllah one day help you do niqaab in all the gatherings. Keep hope and keep asking Allah for forgiveness for all the times you are not able to do so. [editor’s note: read “The choice and struggle to wear Hijab“ written by a new Muslim sister ]

And Allah knows best.

Ask Alimah Team

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