
For the past few months my period lasts 10 days. During Ramadhan after the 10 days I did ghusl but there is more reddish discharge afterwards. Is that part of my period? can I fast or pray? please advise.


Respected Sister in Islam, According to the Hanafi fiqh, the minimum days of Haiz/menstruation is 3 days and 3 nights , maximum being 10 days and 10 nights. There has to be a clean period of 15 days between 2 periods. Accordingly, whatever bleeding or spotting occurs after 10 days and 10 nights will not be your menstruation, instead it will be classified as Istihaadha. A woman may pray salaah, read Quran and fast during istihaadha. At every salaah time, make istinja (wash private parts), then change your underwear/pad and make a fresh wudhu. You should keep marking your calendar on the days of haiz (maximum 10). Also mark whatever days you bleed extra, so that you know exactly which are haiz and which are istihaadha. Also remember that 15 days have to pass before your next haiz can begin. If you need further clarification, please feel free to ask.

And Allah knows best.

Ask Alimah Team

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