
At home we gather few people like neighbors, tenants, friends including family members and read darood-e-shareef for about 12 days starting from "Chand raat" (from moon-sighting of new month). We use seeds of a fruit to read so, in spite of using own fingers. this is because, each day we read nearly 12000 (thousand) times. so doing so is correct according the shariyat or is counted under biddath (bid'ah)? we even read the tasbeeh "YA ALLAHU YA HASEEBU" for three days for about 11000 (thousand) times per day before our exams, in the same manner which is mentioned above...please try to answer my questions. may ALLAH bless you...thank you so much.


Unfortunately these two methods of reciting azkaar will fall under bid'ah, because you are specifying the days (12 days starting from chand raat or full moon night). Even though reciting 12000 durood may be a wazeefa on its own, but this manner of reading will make it a bid'ah. Usually, women’s' gatherings are a greater cause of fitnah and more bid'ah, most of the time food is then served and women get carried away in futile talk and more sins are committed than good deeds. The people living in your home, parents etc, may recite any azkaar/ durood shareef etc. individually or collectively to keep a good enviroment in the home, but donot specify days for this. Also, it will be advisable to consult with a local scholar of your area in the different azkaar to be read in your home etc. Also when it is time for exams, you may read two rakaahs of salaatul haajah daily and make dua to allah SWT for assistance, you may read azkaar and wazeefas for yourself also. May Allah grant you steadfastness in deen and happiness in life, Aamin.

And Allah knows best.

Ask Alimah Team

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