
i needed some advice regarding gaining knowledge on Islam, your site is wonderful - the best I have come across. the problem I have is, I am finding it hard to taken in what I read as what I read I cant take it in, what is the best way I can learn without forgetting what I have read as I want to learn as much as possible so that I can teach my kids.... also some guideline as to where to start from... thankyou


You may start Taleem (reading in group) of good books like Muntakhab Ahadith for 5-10 minutes with your family. Here is the link

Also, read Ta'leem-ul-Islam (Teachings of Islam) every chapter. Print the books and articles from our site and read togather with her to learn the basics of Islam. Invite sisters from your neighbors to read these
books, but do not engage in discussions or debates outside what is given in the books.

Here is an article on Taubah

The following articles may also help you:
Tawba & Istaghfaar ' Repentance and seeking forgiveness

Cure for depression

How should Every Muslim live through day and night?

Dua from Qur'an

Salaatul Haajah:
It is narrated by Abdullah bin Obi owfaa RA that the Messenger of Allah said "Who ever has a need from Allah, or in relation to man, he should perform wudu in a complete and beautiful way, then offer 2 rakaahs of salah. He should then praise Allah and send Salawaat (durood) upon Nabi
Marriage is a great Sunnah whilst divorce is disliked by Allah. Rasul sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, and then say:

"Laa ilaaha illallaahul haleemul kareem-subhaanallahi rabbil arshil azeem-wal hamdulilaahi rabbil aalameen -as aluka moojibaati rahmatik-wa azaaima maghfiratik-wal ghaneemata min kulli birr- was salaamati min kulli
ithm- laa tada' lanaa dhamban illaa ghafartah-walaa hamman illaa farrajtah-walaa haajatan hiya laka ridan illaa qadaytahaa -yaa arhamar rawhimeen" (Ibne Maajah-Tirmizi)

We learn from the Quraan and Sunnah that we should engage in Salaah for all our needs. The best time of offering optional prayers is in the last portion of the night, when the entire creation is in sleep and in a state of neglect, this is a great time to earn the help and pleasure of Allah.
If one is unable to do this, he/she may offer Salaah at any other time,(aside from the makrooh times)

You can also recite Rabbi Zidni Ilma many times everyday.

And Allah knows best.

Ask Alimah Team

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