
1) Why taking interest from bank is haram, because to my knowledge we are not forcing them to give? It is as if we take some money and give back with little extra with our satisfaction though one doesn't ask. Is this haram? 2) In case we don't know whether our relatives are taking interest from bank, and if one from relatives or friends gives any gift like clothes, food items or else, is it halal on us to wear it or eat it?


Allah SWT has said in the holy Qur'an,”…and Allah has made trade halaal (lawful) and forbidden usury (interest)- [Soorah Baqarah:275] "Oh you who believe! Be God-fearing and give up what remains (due to you) from usury, if you are believers. And if you do not do so, then be warned of war (against you) from Allah and his messenger.” - [Soorah Baqarah:278-279] The first thing to note from the above verses is the severe words used on taking usury/ interest. Allah SWT has not declared war against any other sin (as mentioned in the Qur'an), but he has declared war against the one who consumes interest. Now, whether this interest is given or taken willingly or not, does not make a difference to the ruling. Allah SWT has made certain things unlawful, based on their essence. Example: pork. If a person says that in the olden days, pigs grew up in filthy environments and ate filth and feces, today we have high standard piggeries, there is no reason for pork to be unlawful today! Whether the pork was consumed in those days or today’s time, the essence of pork will be the same and can never change. Allah SWT has made pork haram based on its essence. The same applies to usury/ interest. Further Allah SWT says, “… and if you repent, then the principal amount is yours (without interest) - [Soorah Baqarah:279] This ayah prohibits receiving anything more than the principal amount of loan. In the light of all the injunctions of the Quran, all forms of interest are forbidden, whether both parties are agreeable or not, big or small interest amounts, whether the debtor is rich or poor, whether the loan is for personal needs or commercial purposes. The point that you have mentioned about repaying a loan with a little extra in return, through one’s own initiative and satisfaction, without any condition being made about it, does not fall under interest. This is called “Husnul Qadaa” (a good way of repaying a loan). The difference between this and interest is that in interest, a fixed amount is stipulated, above the loan amount, for the time of repayment. If no amount was fixed and the person gives a little extra back, out of his own wish, this is commendable and was practiced by the Prophet Sallallahu`alaihi wasallam himself. “The best amongst you is the one who repays his loan with good grace” (Meaning of a narration from Bukhari) If you receive gifts from fellow Muslims or relatives and you do not know their source of income, you may accept it. However, if you are certain that they have unlawful income, then you should not accept it. We hope that this answers your questions. May Allah SWT guide us to the truth, Aamin!

And Allah knows best.

Ask Alimah Team

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