
We are expecting a boy in two weeks and have not decided on the name. We thought to name Samad Azeem but someone told us not to pick Allah's name unless you append Abdul in-front. And they told us to contact you for a good name as it depends a lot on person's name. So we are requesting you to please provide us some boy and girl names that are short and easy and, on the other hand, meaningful and are close to our names. We will really appreciate for your time and consideration...


Baarakallah, May Allah Ta'ala grant you a child that will be the coolness of your eyes.It is very important to select good, beautiful and meaningful names for one's child. Rasul sallallahu alaihi wa sallam is reported to have said, "On the Day of Qiyaamah, people will be called by their names and the names of their fathers. Therefore a good name must be selected. "(Abu Dawud) Rasulullah sallallhu alaihi wa sallam also said "Allah the exalted likes best the names Abdullah and Abdur Rahman". (Muslim) It is also desirable to keep the names of Prophets (AS), companions of the prophet S.A.W or pious scholars. Since Samad means independent (only Allah is independent) and is a name of Allah, it is only permissible to keep it if we attach Abd (Abdul) before it. There are many resources that you may use to select a good and beautiful name for your child. One resource for Islamic names is

And Allah knows best.

Ask Alimah Team

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