
1)Is music and all instruments totally haraam? 2)Is it haraam for muslim females to be an artist/singer or an actress? These two are my only talents, so I need to see if I can make a career out of my talents.


Wa alaykum salaam warahmatullah 1. We have not come accross any pious Allah-fearing Ulama who say that music or musical instruments are halal/permissable to use,as music is forbidden in Islam clearly,by Allah S.W.T himself in the quran, in Ahaadith of the holy prophet S.A.W ,according to the sahaaba(companions) and pious scholars of the ummah. Entire books have been written in detail on this subject ,one specifically by Mufti Muhammed Shafi rahimahullah,however,we will very briefly answer your question on this topic. a) "And there are some people who are the purchasers of idol talk,so that they may deviate from the path of Allah without knowledge,and they regard it a mockery(of this path),for them will be a disgracefull punishment." (soorah luqman) According to the greatest sahaba of tafseer, Ibne abbaas and Ibne masood R.A ,the taabieen and scholars,"purchasers of idol talk" refers to "music and singing". b) In soorah Bani Israaeel,Allah S.W.T tells shaitan," And deviate whomsever you can overpower from them (mankind), with your voice." according to the tafseer of this ayah,the voice of shaitan is infact music,singing,musical instruments, and idol activities which make a person unmindfull of the remembrance of Allah. c) It is narrated from Abdurahman bin Ghanam,R.A that Aboo Maalik Asha-ari R.A narrated to me, that he heard the the prophet S.A.W. saying," verily there will be people from my ummah ,who will make fornication and (wearing of) silk ,(drinking of) wine and (using)musical instruments as halaal." (bukhari) d) the prophet S.A.W has been quoted in many different narrations,in many books of hadith, regarding the signs of qiyaamah,one of which is music and musical instruments. e) It is narrated from Naafi' R.A, once Ibne Umar R.A heard the sound of a flute being played,he placed his fingers in his ears(to block out the sound) and turned his animal/conveyance around from that path,and said to me,"oh Naafi', can you hear any sound?" I said yes,he kept moving away until I said,"now I cannot hear any sound."he then took out his fingers from his ears,and came back onto the path and said,"I saw the prophet of Allah S.A.W do the same thing when he heard the flute being played." (Ahmad,Aboo Dawood,Ibne Maajah) The harms of music are many,and we can see the effect of this in our youth. Music leads to many other sins aswell,ludeness,immorality, zinaa etc. and Allah and his Rasool have prohibited us from it. 2. After reading the above we understand that there will be no barakah/contentmeant and peace of mind in a career whose essence is based on haram.I am sure that you have many talents which are more beautiful than this,which will make you successful and keep you on the straight path,Insha-Allah.

And Allah knows best.

Ask Alimah Team

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