
I have started praying salaatul hajaat, I can't help but wonder if I am missing out on some of the virtues of this salaat as I am lacking on knowledge. I want to know when is the best time to perform salaatul hajaat and what is the best surah that should be recited during the salah, and after prayer what dikir and salawat should I say before saying the dua.


Salaatul Haajah: It is narrated by Abdullah bin Obi owfaa RA that the Messenger of Allah said "Who ever has a need from Allah, or in relation to man, he should perform wudu in a complete and beautiful way, then offer 2 rakaahs of salah. He should then praise Allah and send salawaat (durood) upon Nabi SAW and then say: "Laa ilaaha ilalaahul haleemul kareem-subhaanallahi rabbil arshil azeem-wal hamdulilaahi rabbil aalameen -as aluka moojibaati rahmatik-wa azaaima maghfiratik-wal ghaneemata min kulli birr- was salaamati min kulli ithm- laa tada' lanaa dhamban illaa ghafartah-walaa hamman illaa farrajtah-walaa haajatan hiya laka ridan illaa qadaytahaa -yaa arhamar rawhimeen" (Ibne Maajah-Tirmizi) According to the narration above, we are not told of any specific soorahs to recite in salaah. We learn from the Quraan and Sunnah that we should engage in salaah for all our needs. The best time of offering optional prayers is in the last portion of the night,when the entire creation is in sleep and neglect, this is a great time to earn the help and pleasure of Allah SWT. If one is unable to do this,he/she may offer salaah at any other time, (aside from the makrooh times) We hope that this answers your question,insha-Allah.

And Allah knows best.

Ask Alimah Team

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