
any dua or zikr to accomplish difficult task jazakallahkhair


May Allah bless you with piety (Taqwa) and purity, strong Imaan, forgiveness of sins, have mercy on you, elevate your status, and bless you with knowledge of Deen and generosity. Ameen!

One can pray for whatever purpose she wishes. But the best supplications are the ones made by Prophet Muhammad, Sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam. These are so comprehensive and all-encompassing prayers that all the human needs, of this world and the Hereafter, are fully covered in the eloquent
expressions used in them. Actually, most of the prophetic prayers are so profound that human imagination can hardly match their greatness.

Regarding sustenance (Rizq), one should remember that whatever is written for man, will reach him.

We should make sure that all our faraaid (compulsory) acts are in order, further, the best way of asking Allah for assistance is through Salaah. We should try not to become despondent or depressed, instead we should remember that Allah will increase our sustenance when the time is right.

Recite Surah Yaseen in the morning and Surah Al-Waqiah every night.

Recite the three Quls i.e. Surah Al-Ikhlas, Surah al-Falaq and Surah An-naas, then dry-spit or blow onto the palms and wipe over yourself. Do this 3 times, morning and evening.

It is also very important to recite Ayatul Kursi.

Seek help from Allah Ta'ala and always trust in him.

When you are anxious than recite this 7 times: "Hasbiyyallahu la ilaha
illa huwa alaihi tawakkaltu wa huwa rabbul arshil azeem".

You can also recite "Hasbonallahu wa ni'mal wakeel" daily.

And Allah knows best.

Ask Alimah Team

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