
What did the prophet mohammed (s.a.w) teach us about Aqeeqah in islam?.


According to the Hanafi Madhab, Aqeeqah is Sunnah 7 days after the child is born (just after shaving the head). 2 sheep / goats will be slaughtered on behalf of a boy and one on behalf of a girl. (Mirqaat pg.80; Ilmiyah)However if only 1 animal is slaughtered for the son then too it will suffice.The sacrifice offered at the time of Aqeeqah is a form of worship. It is Mustahab (preferable) to distribute one third of the meat to the poor and destitute and the remaining two thirds to other relatives. (Raddul Muhtaar, Vol.5, Page.236, Ahsanul Fataawaa, Vol.5, Page.238, Aapke Masaail Aur Unkaa Hal, Vol.4, Page.238) This is a Sunnah prescribed by the Holy Prophet Blocked image as any other form of worship.

And Allah knows best.

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